Who we are
Suggested text: Our website address is: https://freewebdesignquotes.com.
Our Privacy Policy and Commitment
When you use our services (FreeWebDesignQuotes.com), you’re trusting us with your information. We understand this is a big responsibility and work hard to protect your information. We commit that we will ONLY use the information you provide to contact you by phone or email to provide you with the Free Quote you want. We will NEVER give freely OR sell your information to ANY other entity or party. We never want to be a burden and once we speak with you and provide a quote – we will ask you IF you wish to reconnect with us. If not, we will delete your contact information and never here from us again.
FreeWebDesignQuotes.com is “powered” by Appnet New Media Studio at www.Appnet.com and we have a 28-year track record of operating within Google’s Best Practices. We have a team of 21 support staff and designers and we are highly rated and respected in the industry.
You have our pledge that we will never share or sell your information to any 3rd party.